API-X Gateway

To use the API-X Gateway, you don’t need Username and Password. All you need is to create API-X sub-accounts from your main account. A unique API_TOKEN will be generated for every sub-account you create, and you can fund your sub-accounts individually from your main account.

The advantage of our API-X Gateway is that a developer can create and fund different sub-accounts for different projects and applications, so each sub-account details can be tracked independent of other sub-accounts and main account.

You can credit each sub-account by transfering SMS units from your main account to the sub-account.

The following are the possible API-X commands and the corresponding URL. Where,

  • API_TOKEN is the sub-account token generated when a sub-account is created. You can create an API-X (SUB-ACCOUNT) on your dashboard when you log in.
  • CMD value may be send or balance;
  • MESSAGE: This variable is applicable when sending message. It is the message you are sending to one or more recipients;
  • RECIPIENTS: This variable is applicable only when sending message. It is the phone number of a recipient or a list of comma delimited phone numbers of recipients of the message.
  • SENDERID: This variable is applicable only when sending message. It is the SHORT ID/NAME of the Sender with which recipients will receive the message. SENDERID must not be longer than 11 characters. If no SENDERID is set, your default Sender ID as set on your profile or APIX account will be used.
  • TYPE (optional) Message type value may be either 0 or 1.
    This variable is applicable only when sending message.
    0=Normal Text Message that will be saved automatically in the recipient’s inbox. This (value 0) is the default value if no the variable is not set or set with unknown value.
    1=Flash Message that will just appear on recipient’s screen.
  • ROUTE (optional) value may be 0 or 1.
    This variable is applicable only when sending message.
    0 means the message should be sent via Basic Route. When Basic Route is used, phone numbers on DND (Do Not Disturb) will/may not receive the message. This (value 0) is the default value if the variable is not set or set with unknown value.
    1 means that all messages should be sent via Corporate Route. When Corporate Route is used, recipients on DND will receive the message but you will be charged double for each SMS, i.e. 2 units of SMS will be charged for each page of the message you send.
  • SCHEDULE (optional)
    This variable is applicable only when sending message. It allows you to set a future date and time (not less than 3 minutes) when you want a message to be delivered to specified recipiet(s). The date and time value must be in the YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format (e.g. 2018-01-08 06:51); the time should be in 24 hour format. If not set, the message will be submitted for immediate delivery.


Send SMS (cmd=send)

http://orgds.org/api?cmd=sendsms&message=MESSAGE&recipients=080xxxxxxxx,070xxxxxxxx,090xxxxxxxx&senderid=SENDERID&token=APIX_TOKEN&type=0&route=0&schedule=2018-01-08 06:51


REPLY: “SENT” if successfully submitted or an “ERROR_NUMBER” without quotes.


Check Balance (Cmd=Balance)
