For a while now, we have been working tirelessly to ensure that your message is delivered to all intended recipients. We now have a headway in ensuring that you reach all your target recipients seamlessly!
We are pleased to inform you that we have upgraded our Corporate Route and introduced a new SMS Route —The SIM Server Route — that are readily available when sending/scheduling message. These options are put in place to ensure that your message reaches your target audience, no matter the DND status of the recipient mobile number.
SIM hosting service gives you the platform to communicate with anyone anytime, anywhere and without restrictions. Your messages will be delivered to all phone numbers whether on DND or not, via our hosted telephone number which will appear as the Sender ID.
Please note that only numbers on DND, especially on MTN network, will receive your message via our hosted SIM number, and one SMS page is charged at Corporate/DND price. Messages to Non-DND numbers and DND numbers on other networks will be delivered with your defined Sender ID.